Have you ever felt “stuck”?
Well if you are in human form, the answer is usually unequivocally “of course”!
I heard recently someone sharing the observation that there’s no such thing as “stuck”… but there is such a thing in being stuck in a mindset that isn’t serving you.
I actually could not agree more. So, I’d like to share content from two clients sessions last week that exemplify this:
Session #1: 36 year young female client is in between jobs, with logistical, time and energetic space she hasn’t had for a very long time. Her dream is to go to Spain for one month, to immerse herself in the language and enjoy the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of a country she loves so much.
She said she felt immobilized and stuck…afraid to make it happen. When we dug deeper she said,
“For some reason I feel like I don’t deserve it!”
‘Now we’re getting somewhere’ I thought…and we did.
The minute she voiced what was making her hesitate, the more she realized its false premise and faulty logic. And the minute she realized that, she popped that bubble that was blocking her and expressed feeling excited to press “GO”! Sometimes all it takes is to excavate and recognize the distortions to feel relief from its quick release.
Session #2: A male client of mine, in mid-life, is thinking about launching a service based consulting business and expressed frustration over his procrastination. When we explore this, he revealed
“I feel like I need to know everything, before I change anything. And furthermore, I feel like I need to know everything, before I charge anything for my services. ”
Bingo…got it! The only thing holding him back was this perfectionistic belief that he needed to know everything – as if this is even possible. Once he voiced this and literally laughted at how far it was from his wiser knowing…he was back on track…committed to believing in his knowledge, capacity, and growth potential…following his calling, taking it one step at a time, and having faith that it will be a journey for he and all he serves.
So…how about you my friend? Is there anything you’ve been meaning to do that you have felt “stuck” with, because of a stubborn worn out mind chatter that is ready for a mind-set makeover? If so, I offer you these
5 Questions to Move You from Pause to Progression:
Your new life-affirming mindset can and will move you in the direction of your dreams…
And…I can’t wait to hear all about it!
PS…if you want booster support to keep your eye on what floats your boat…click here to receive my 11 minute meditation, clearing out the cob-webs and calling in the good juju – just for you 🙂
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