October 16, 2024

Just Say YES!


I was so inspired by something I heard a client share this past week. She survived an aggressive bout with breast cancer when her children were young. Seven years have passed and at the peak of this season’s heat wave she took five rambunctious boys for a long day of outside adventure … hiking, rock climbing and to a water park.
When I was surprised she took all that on, she said
“Ever since I survived cancer , I think more about what brings me joy and living my life more deliberately to make those things happen. I vowed to not let small things stand in the way of living the big and meaningful stuff with my kids.  And so one of the gifts of summer is that I am not holding back on planning and having family adventures.”
This is what thrivers do. They not only survive a challenging situation, but they choose to thrive in spite of and because of it.  I thought about all the “Yea buts’” that stand in the way of us living our best lives and enjoy new invites, adventures and opportunities.  The world is spinning fast right now. It beckons us to live in the present and experience the sweet nectar of life.
So the next time you have an inspired idea or get asked to joining something wonderful, do yourself a favor and JUST SAY YES! In fact, let’s make this a little more action oriented shall we?  Before summer’s end, I challenge you to choose one thing you might not normally do … in the spirt of GOing for it and trying something new.
Mine is a summer cruise next week in Alaska.  It’s been on my bucket list for years and finally making it happen. Can’t wait to share the adventure, and can’t wait to hear yours too!

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