October 16, 2024

What if “It” is choosing you?

I find it fascinating that so often, similar themes arise within sessions I have with clients, on the same day.

Like last week, I spoke to one women (we will call her Anne) who has not just one aging parent with Alzheimers, but two   “I can’t believe this is happening to me” she said. Understandably, it’s a heartbreaking and heavy load to bear, as she and her brother navigate future care for both their parents.
That same afternoon another client (we will call her Kate) who has suffered a loss of a 30 year marriage, initiated by her former husband, said “I did not choose this life”.   
After a long pause I put forth something to consider…
”What if it chose you?”  
 There was silence, as she struggled to take it in and think it thru.  “But I did not choose to this deafening silence and loneliness” she replied.
Of course she didn’t.  Who would?  But “what if”…we are spiritual beings having a physical experience?  And “what if” some experiences come into our lives that are unexpected challenges…to teach us, grow us, and expand our empowered awareness?
If we consider this then “what if” the takeaway for Anne might be having her strength of character and how deeply she can love in action, even when it’s hard, reflected back to her?
And “what if” the takeaway for Kate might be her journey into sovereignty … with this painful unexpected transition in her life – catapulting her into appreciating her own company and trusting in her internal guidance system more than ever before?
This reminds me of another story I heard recently, when a young man’s usually robust grandfather was experiencing unfortunate physical ailments. “I’m so sorry you have to go thru all of this Grandpa” the grandson said – to which he replied “What do you mean, I have to…I GET TO!”
“What If” EVERYTHING in our lives happens FOR US, versus TO US?
This perceptual pivot is, without question, one of the biggest game changers of our lives.
So my dears…the next time you are facing something challenging, I invite you to ask yourself three questions:
1:  What if this chose me?
2:  What is this experience teaching me?
3:  What are the potential benefits from what I have learned?
May the insightful answers you choose to hear, take the edge off hardships and brighten your days that will follow.  I have no doubt it will 😌

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