October 16, 2024

Who are they TODAY?

Family is Forever

I’ve had visiting Alaska on my bucket list for many years now. Besides seeing the breathtaking views and glaciers, the biggest draw was visiting my nephew  his lovely wife and delicious almost 2 year young daughter Nora.  Alex is age 36. The last time I visited his world was years ago.  It was such a privilege to be able to spend quality time with him now…meeting my GREAT niece for the first time, witnessing what wonderful parents they are, and getting to know them all over again.
I’d like to emphasize this last benefit, because I’ve thought so much about it and want to share some of those thoughts, visions and recommendations for all families:
If you are curious or care about members in your family…make the time to plan and have quality time with them.   This requires curiosity, interest, desire, receptivity and action.
2:   GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER, as YOU are and as THEY are NOW
All too often we see and hear one another in families, as though the person is frozen in time.  There is so much assumption, expectation, type casting and so on…from memories, judgements or entrenched grievances from the past.  But nothing is static, including ourselves.  We live, we learn, we grow and evolve.  Ok…some more than others.  But none the less, “most” everyone I would submit is NOT who they were 10, 20. 30. 40, 50 years ago.
Though I of course delighted in reminiscing about memories I have from my nephew’s childhood, I reveled in listening to who he is TODAY…curious, open, adventurous, courageous, wise, and so loving.  I loved getting to know the woman he loves so dearly, and his daughter who is absolutely scrumptious.
It was also special for them to get to know who I am today;  hopefully the still “cool” enough Auntie he remembers…with a little more body stiffness and gained life wisdom to share 💓.
After a week of fun adventure hikes and sight seeing…laughs…and meaningful talks, we created an opportunity of getting to know each other in present time, which was such a gift and one that I know will have staying power.  We are already dreaming, scheming and planning our next adventure together…!
So, my dears…IF you want to spend more time with family or friends from afar #justdoit #makeithappen and #reaptherewards  Get curious, ask questions, really listen…get to know each other as your present selves…and revel in what you will discover.

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