March 9, 2025

Buddahlicious Wisdom from SE Asia

My beloved & I just arrived this week in SE Asia, where we will be for the next month. Despite the fact that this was a long awaited trip, I hesitated getting on the plane, on the heels of the devastation from the fires in Los Angeles and the hardship it has caused to countless […]

What Side Are You On?

Wow…we are really in it aren’t we lovelies? Today I am inspired to share some musings to calm our collective nervous systems and preserve our relationships…inspired by a client session last week, with a Mother of two teenage boys. There were 3 questions she was seeking support around. I am including here some of my […]

What the World Needs Now

Recently, I attended a weekend with my ATL community. (Association for Transformational Leaders). During our Sunday session we broke up into small groups and were asked these two powerful questions: 1: Are you Living the life you want to live? 2: Are you Loving the way you want to love? Intense right? Right. Because it […]

The Difference between Giving Advice & Holding Space

To have the good fortune of having transcendent relationships in our lives is a very precious thing. Some of these seem to flow, with hardly a glitch, while others periodically face us with uncomfortable confrontation – that often offer such profound gifts in the end.   This week, my client,  who we will call “Sara” wanted to […]

Who are they TODAY?

Family is Forever I’ve had visiting Alaska on my bucket list for many years now. Besides seeing the breathtaking views and glaciers, the biggest draw was visiting my nephew  his lovely wife and delicious almost 2 year young daughter Nora.  Alex is age 36. The last time I visited his world was years ago.  It […]

What if “It” is choosing you?

I find it fascinating that so often, similar themes arise within sessions I have with clients, on the same day. Like last week, I spoke to one women (we will call her Anne) who has not just one aging parent with Alzheimers, but two   “I can’t believe this is happening to me” she said. […]

Just Say YES!

JUST SAY YES I was so inspired by something I heard a client share this past week. She survived an aggressive bout with breast cancer when her children were young. Seven years have passed and at the peak of this season’s heat wave she took five rambunctious boys for a long day of outside adventure … […]

Mindset Makeover to Get Unstuck

  Have you ever felt “stuck”? Well if you are in human form, the answer is usually unequivocally “of course”! I heard recently someone sharing the observation that there’s no such thing as “stuck”… but there is such a thing in being stuck in a mindset that isn’t serving you. I actually could not agree more. […]

The Mother Wound is Real

Many hearts spent last weekend celebrating the good feelings that go along with Mother’s Day, namely recognition of and appreciation for our mothers.  Others try to avoid it all together, while some may be trying to access, gain more insight into and heal the deprivation they may still feel, and that may still hurt. So […]

Ten Tips for Thriving in the New Year

This past year has brought both blessings and challenges to us, both individually and collectively. As we say farewell to 2021 and hello to 2022, here are ten tips for thriving in the new year.  These mindset reminders will serve to support us in the now, and on our journey forward… 1: Reflect and Receive What […]