March 9, 2025

Thriving Through the Loss of a Loved One

All of us travel the same incarnated life path.  We are born one day, and ultimately we will leave our body and return to the spirit world.  In between, we have many life experiences including the loss of loved ones.  None of us can ward this off, as it is an inevitable part of living. All […]

Breaking Free into Flow

We are just past half way thru the year, and I wanted to share some inspirational self-development nuggets before summer’s end, that were shared while being interviewed by best selling author of Madly Chasing Peace, Dina Proctor. Some of what we discussed is the most frequent limiting beliefs that I have heard from my clients […]

Life Mastery with Authenticity & Realignment Coach Lisa Winston

I was recently invited to be interviewed on a summit on Life Mastery with Authenticity & Realignment Coach Lisa Winston. Leave it to us women to cover a lifetime of wisdom in under an hour!    We discussed everything from what constitutes optimal health and wellbeing, to how to overcome any obstacle, to the importance of […]

3 Proven Steps To Overcoming Any Obstacle

One of the greatest honors for me was the opportunity to contribute a chapter in an anthology of stories, focusing on the strength of the human spirit, called “Living Proof, Celebrating the Gifts that Come Wrapped in Sandpaper.” My chapter, called “The Heart Whispers Truth,” highlights the lessons learned in my first marriage. During speaking engagements this past spring in Florida, Chicago and Los Angeles, I used…

We Do Not Forget

During a session with a client today she expressed some concern, “I hope I don’t forget this lesson!” We’ve all wondered (and perhaps worried) about that before, but really need to give ourselves more credit then that. We are in the driver’s seat of our life. If we choose to retain what we’ve learned and […]

Are You In Your Ego Or Your Spirit?

We can make one of two choices in walking through out day……We can live in our ego, or be guided by our spirit. Our ego reacts, while our spirit listens. Our ego interprets, while our spirit is open. Our ego personalizes, while our spirit remains objective and neutral. Our ego judges, while our spirit IS […]

Everything Is Working Out Perfectly

At my sister’s 60 birthday party, she gave out bracelets that said “EWOP.” It stands for “EVERYTHING’S WORKING OUT PERFECTLY.” It was perfect timing to contemplate and to share. I returned to Los Angeles to celebrate my women’s group First Tuesday Circle of Giving 4th year Home Makeover for our 2010 chosen family. The project […]

The Disease to Please

Years ago, I remember an old boyfriend telling me up front ….within the first few months of dating… that “I am a Pleaser.”   He told me like it was some kind of identity badge. I was unclear if he was proud of it or just warning me. I took it as a warning and […]

Believe Him

Back in my 20’s, I remember a friend of mine came back from a trip just over the moon after meeting a guy on an airplane who was cute and charming and you know the rest. He invited her to visit for the weekend. She did and they had an amazing time, so much so […]