March 9, 2025

Buddahlicious Wisdom from SE Asia

My beloved & I just arrived this week in SE Asia, where we will be for the next month. Despite the fact that this was a long awaited trip, I hesitated getting on the plane, on the heels of the devastation from the fires in Los Angeles and the hardship it has caused to countless […]

The Difference between Giving Advice & Holding Space

To have the good fortune of having transcendent relationships in our lives is a very precious thing. Some of these seem to flow, with hardly a glitch, while others periodically face us with uncomfortable confrontation – that often offer such profound gifts in the end.   This week, my client,  who we will call “Sara” wanted to […]

How to Stay Calm and Communicate Clearly

One of the joys of my work is helping clients work through tough conversations. So easily can a disagreement or a sensitive situation turn into more than expected! When emotions are high, we don’t always communicate effectively, so I’ve created some tips to guide you through your next difficult conversation. Give yourself a little TLC […]

“L.O.V.E.” formula to finding “Big, Real, True Love” Pt. 2

Hopefully you read my last post & the article for step one of my 4-step “L.O.V.E” formula! If you didn’t, now’s your chance to view my earlier post and get caught up. My 4-step “L.O.V.E” formula begins with looking inward. When we strengthen the relationship we have with ourselves, it sets us up for future […]

“L.O.V.E.” formula to finding “Big, Real, True Love” Pt. 1

Loving and being loved is part of our birthright and human experience. Sometimes, it really shows how far we’ve come from living in love. With the societal changes of the past two years, it’s safe to say the number of individuals facing loneliness only continues to rise. In my 4-step “L.O.V.E” formula to finding “Big, […]

Pivot Points and Bliss Bumps

Ever wonder how some people easily can easily turn a perceivably rough situation in pure opportunity? That’s exactly what I talk with Julie Ferman on her podcast, Cupid’s Coach.   Listen here! We cannot prevent the ups and downs in our lives, but what we can do is use these moments to fuel our dream life. I […]

Advice for Co-Parents and StepParents After Divorce

The divorce rate in America is still reported to be between 40-50%. This means many children are experiencing the disappointment of a marital vow gone bust, between the two people they depend on most. Sharing this Q&A article I wrote for GOOP about how to take the highest co-parenting road post divorce. CLICK HERE to […]

5 Tips To Rekindle Your Vows And Rebirth Your Relationship

1): FROM MERGER TO INTEGRATION: MAKE ROOM FOR “I”: Your partner fell in love with YOU, not “we.” No offense to Jerry Maguire, but the goal is not for your partner to “complete” you. It’s about being connected AND separate. It is from this place that we connect with our inner source of love within, […]

The Power Of Apology

Have you ever had an argument with your spouse, and you literally do not know how you are going to recover from it? I remember having one of those with my now darling husband when we were dating. I went to bed, with him in the other room, thinking “I have no idea how to […]