March 9, 2025

Buddahlicious Wisdom from SE Asia

My beloved & I just arrived this week in SE Asia, where we will be for the next month. Despite the fact that this was a long awaited trip, I hesitated getting on the plane, on the heels of the devastation from the fires in Los Angeles and the hardship it has caused to countless […]

What the World Needs Now

Recently, I attended a weekend with my ATL community. (Association for Transformational Leaders). During our Sunday session we broke up into small groups and were asked these two powerful questions: 1: Are you Living the life you want to live? 2: Are you Loving the way you want to love? Intense right? Right. Because it […]

What if “It” is choosing you?

I find it fascinating that so often, similar themes arise within sessions I have with clients, on the same day. Like last week, I spoke to one women (we will call her Anne) who has not just one aging parent with Alzheimers, but two   “I can’t believe this is happening to me” she said. […]

Just Say YES!

JUST SAY YES I was so inspired by something I heard a client share this past week. She survived an aggressive bout with breast cancer when her children were young. Seven years have passed and at the peak of this season’s heat wave she took five rambunctious boys for a long day of outside adventure … […]

How to Stay Calm and Communicate Clearly

One of the joys of my work is helping clients work through tough conversations. So easily can a disagreement or a sensitive situation turn into more than expected! When emotions are high, we don’t always communicate effectively, so I’ve created some tips to guide you through your next difficult conversation. Give yourself a little TLC […]

“L.O.V.E.” formula to finding “Big, Real, True Love” Pt. 2

Hopefully you read my last post & the article for step one of my 4-step “L.O.V.E” formula! If you didn’t, now’s your chance to view my earlier post and get caught up. My 4-step “L.O.V.E” formula begins with looking inward. When we strengthen the relationship we have with ourselves, it sets us up for future […]

“L.O.V.E.” formula to finding “Big, Real, True Love” Pt. 1

Loving and being loved is part of our birthright and human experience. Sometimes, it really shows how far we’ve come from living in love. With the societal changes of the past two years, it’s safe to say the number of individuals facing loneliness only continues to rise. In my 4-step “L.O.V.E” formula to finding “Big, […]

The Joy of Connectivity

Catherine Grey is the host of Invest In Her – a podcast featuring founders & funders, and I was so excited to join as this episode’s founder! Invest In Her Podcast – Episode 213 with Dr. Marcy Cole This was an amazing opportunity to share the beauty of First Tuesday Global. From its inception, to […]

Manifesto for Thriving In Uncertain Times

Take a moment to think about the true difference between surviving vs. thriving. The circumstances may be the same, so what is difference? With all the changes in the world bringing waves of confusion and a lack of comfort, it’s challenging to see clearly. We can lack focus, motivation, and can slip into further despair […]

Love, Authenticity + Connection

I was honored to join Alexa Fischer, host of Wishbead Podcast, on an episode titled: Dr. Marcy Cole: On Love, Authenticity + Connection. Listen here! I absolutely love getting together with Alexa to discuss everything love, empowerment, and human connection. In this episode we talk about connecting with our authentic selves in order to better connect with […]