January 22, 2025

How to Stay Calm and Communicate Clearly

One of the joys of my work is helping clients work through tough conversations. So easily can a disagreement or a sensitive situation turn into more than expected! When emotions are high, we don’t always communicate effectively, so I’ve created some tips to guide you through your next difficult conversation. Give yourself a little TLC […]

“L.O.V.E.” formula to finding “Big, Real, True Love” Pt. 1

Loving and being loved is part of our birthright and human experience. Sometimes, it really shows how far we’ve come from living in love. With the societal changes of the past two years, it’s safe to say the number of individuals facing loneliness only continues to rise. In my 4-step “L.O.V.E” formula to finding “Big, […]

Pivot Points and Bliss Bumps

Ever wonder how some people easily can easily turn a perceivably rough situation in pure opportunity? That’s exactly what I talk with Julie Ferman on her podcast, Cupid’s Coach.   Listen here! We cannot prevent the ups and downs in our lives, but what we can do is use these moments to fuel our dream life. I […]

Finding Love During The Pandemic

The pandemic has left so many of us craving deeper connection, and simultaneously questioning our love life. We wonder “Will ever work out?!” The isolation can take a dangerous spin into worry, fear, lack, and doubt. That’s why I’m so excited to share my article in Goop about how to take advantage of the opportunities the pandemic brought, […]

What Do You Want?

So you are out in the dating world. When was the last time you asked yourself the central question, “What do I want?” This is perhaps the most fundamental question, and warrants serious thought and consideration. To “Know Thyself” means knowing not only who you are, but also what you want.

The Disease to Please

Years ago, I remember an old boyfriend telling me up front ….within the first few months of dating… that “I am a Pleaser.”   He told me like it was some kind of identity badge. I was unclear if he was proud of it or just warning me. I took it as a warning and […]

Believe Him

Back in my 20’s, I remember a friend of mine came back from a trip just over the moon after meeting a guy on an airplane who was cute and charming and you know the rest. He invited her to visit for the weekend. She did and they had an amazing time, so much so […]

Where Does Love Go?

I don’t know about you, but I love love. After a wonderful love affair in my 30’s, I ultimately had the courage to let go of someone I really loved. The hardest part for me, and the most baffling, was always……”Where does love go?”

Relationship Wisdom

You never know who is going to cross your path, at the very perfect time to remind you of exactly what you need to hear. The summer I was separated, I was receiving a Reiki and Chakra Clearing Energy Massage.   The practitioner had her hands three inches above my body …scanning and using her intuition […]