One of the joys of my work is helping clients work through tough conversations. So easily can a disagreement or a sensitive situation turn into more than expected! When emotions are high, we don’t always communicate effectively, so I’ve created some tips to guide you through your next difficult conversation. Give yourself a little TLC […]
Reboot Your Brain
As a Psychotherapist for over two decades, my practice is informed by Psychodynamic Theory, Positive Psychology Principles and the Holistic Model…integrating Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health & Wellbeing. Your brain supports all of your Mental Health faculties including your thoughts, perceptions and assumptions. Having these work for you vs. against you requires clarity and […]
Breaking Free into Flow
We are just past half way thru the year, and I wanted to share some inspirational self-development nuggets before summer’s end, that were shared while being interviewed by best selling author of Madly Chasing Peace, Dina Proctor. Some of what we discussed is the most frequent limiting beliefs that I have heard from my clients […]
3 Proven Steps To Overcoming Any Obstacle
One of the greatest honors for me was the opportunity to contribute a chapter in an anthology of stories, focusing on the strength of the human spirit, called “Living Proof, Celebrating the Gifts that Come Wrapped in Sandpaper.” My chapter, called “The Heart Whispers Truth,” highlights the lessons learned in my first marriage. During speaking engagements this past spring in Florida, Chicago and Los Angeles, I used…
What Do You Want?
We Do Not Forget
During a session with a client today she expressed some concern, “I hope I don’t forget this lesson!” We’ve all wondered (and perhaps worried) about that before, but really need to give ourselves more credit then that. We are in the driver’s seat of our life. If we choose to retain what we’ve learned and […]
Where Does Your Pride Lie?
5 Tips To Rekindle Your Vows And Rebirth Your Relationship
1): FROM MERGER TO INTEGRATION: MAKE ROOM FOR “I”: Your partner fell in love with YOU, not “we.” No offense to Jerry Maguire, but the goal is not for your partner to “complete” you. It’s about being connected AND separate. It is from this place that we connect with our inner source of love within, […]
Are You In Your Ego Or Your Spirit?
We can make one of two choices in walking through out day……We can live in our ego, or be guided by our spirit. Our ego reacts, while our spirit listens. Our ego interprets, while our spirit is open. Our ego personalizes, while our spirit remains objective and neutral. Our ego judges, while our spirit IS […]
The Power Of Apology
Have you ever had an argument with your spouse, and you literally do not know how you are going to recover from it? I remember having one of those with my now darling husband when we were dating. I went to bed, with him in the other room, thinking “I have no idea how to […]