March 29, 2025

What Side Are You On?

Wow…we are really in it aren’t we lovelies?

Today I am inspired to share some musings to calm our collective nervous systems and preserve our relationships…inspired by a client session last week, with a Mother of two teenage boys.

There were 3 questions she was seeking support around. I am including here some of my “thoughts to consider” responses in green:

1: She expressed seeking relief from her feelings of “angst and anxiety” over the uncertainty and polarized conflict in the world.

Thoughts to consider recommendations:  Practice grounding exercises that center your mind and calm your nervous system:   breath work…meditation… prayer…time in nature…intentional and random acts of kindness, staying connected to the present moment and to those you hold most dear, and not letting the world’s woes hijack your joy.

2: Feeling very strongly about her point of view about who she wanted to be elected as our next President…she also expressed overwhelm – fearing futility over her question of “What can I do“?

Thoughts to consider:  This is a challenging time for most good hearted humans. The medicine lies in both the internal and external realms of our lives.  As stated above, along with practice examples…a state of feeling centered, amidst chaos, does begin within.  

As far as how we deal with the external world…it helps to be aware of and pro-active with causes that matter to us.  My client’s intentional participation included:  campaign donations, volunteering to send post cards & knock on doors to encourage voter participation…and being a poll observer.

It’s also crucial to remember to treat others, who may not agree with our choices ,with respect, and compassion as well; keeping in mind that “most” humans want the same for ourselves, our children and the planet: safety, sovereignty, a sense of overall wellbeing and a future we can depend on.

3:  Mindset and Parenting:  My client also shared how her family is a sponsor of refugees who are residing in her hometown; recently being assigned to a family from Gaza, who has sadly recently lost people close to them caught in the heartbreak of war.    Her son, asked “Mom, what side are we on in this war?” 

Thoughts to consider:   When it comes to our own mindset and parenting our children’s… it’s important to hold and share values that are most authentically true for us.  That said, the choosing sides...on too many fronts these days, carries the weight of self-righteous indignation, rigidity, separation and polarization.  This, I believe, is the real threat to our world and emotional well-being.   So, what does she say to her child?   I suggested this:  “There are “usually” two sides to every story. And so, our family is on the side of humanity… feeling and advocating for ALL who struggle in this world… praying for the all innocent people who suffer, on both sides of this war and every other.  Our family stands for PEACE.” 


For those of you who are struggling with how to communicate with others who have a different perspective, I share again this article I was asked to write back in  2016, to be published on Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper the day after the debate between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton:

As for this week…I hope you VOTE, because your voice matters…& I invite you to ENVISION WITH ME a better world for all.


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