February 22, 2025


Single Gals

What: A Teleclass for Single Gals without Children

Who Should Attend:

– Women who are looking for lasting love and who want to have children.

– You may be doing great with this but would like to benefit from some educational and inspirational tools to set you up for greater peace on the path toward finding marriage and creating family.

– Or … You may be struggling with feelings of hopelessness, fear, despair, or grief.

Regardless … this is for you if you want to receive helpful advice, information, resources and community around this very prevalent and relevant issue for thousands of women today.

When: Monday evenings: October 2012: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

What You Will Get Out of the Course:

Connection: You will receive the gift of Community of like minded class participants.
Healing: You will receive comfort in the fact that you are not alone, and tools to transform your confusion into clarity and pain into purpose.
Inspiration: You will receive effective information and coping strategies that will support positive perceptual shifts that will enhance the peace and joy that is your birthright.
Breakthrough: You will receive the necessary tools to support the transformation of any blocks into breakthroughs, finding the hidden treasures, as you seek your hearts’ desires.

Investment: $100 for entire month’s course.

Policies and Procedures:

If interested in more information, please contact: info@drmarcycole.com

Artist Way

What: This a 12 consecutive week Tele-class based on the Book by Julia Cameron: The Artist Way. I love this book and this class for so many reasons….it hits on all cylinders…inspiring the creative process in us all, evolving our cognitive, emotional and spiritual consciousness, and really helping us to reconnect with our deepest knowings, voices and gifts to express and share with the world.

Having a facilitator and a group gives a container for supportive process, accountability, and encouragement. The group will have an on-line forum throughout the duration of the class to exchange questions, ideas, resources and insight.

When: The first Monday of every month. For 12 weeks. From 6-7pm PCS

Investment: $50 per class ($80 for 2 participants)

Policies & Procedures:

  • Minimum 10 participants per class, Maximum 30.
  • Class is Transferable but Non-Cancelable.
  • Audio Recordings will be sent in the event you miss a live Tele-class
  • When holidays conflict, classes will be moved to another day or week.

For more information: Please contact: info@drmarcycole.com

Finding Love That Lasts

What: This is an 8 week tele-class for women seeking luscious and lasting love.

When: TBD

Investment: $50 a class or ($40 for 2 registrants)

Policies & Procedures:

  • Minimum 10, Maximum 30 participants per class.
  • Class is Transferable but Non-Cancelable.
  • Audio Recordings will be sent in the event you miss a live Tele-class
  • You will be able to send in questions each week via email
  • There will be suggested reading, resources and exercises corresponding to each class.
  • When holidays conflict, classes will be moved to another day or week.

If interested in more information, please contact: info@DrMarcyCole.com

The Good Marriage

What: This is an 8 week tele-class for all couples who desire to save, sustain or improve the quality of their marriage. Classes incorporate lecture, answers to some chosen questions received, and featured speakers. There will be suggested reading, resources and exercises corresponding to each class.

When: TBD

Investment: $100 per class on auto pay, or $720 for full payment ($80 savings).

Policies & Procedures:

  • Minimum 10, Maximum 20 couples per class.
  • Class is Transferable but Non-Cancelable.
  • Audio Recordings will be sent in the event you miss a live Tele-class
  • You will be able to send in questions each week via email
  • There will be suggested reading, resources and exercises corresponding to each class.
  • When holidays conflict, classes will be moved to another day or week.

If interested in more information, please contact: info@DrMarcyCole.com

On-line Seasons Class

What: This is a 12 month Tele-class for women. The purpose is to boost awareness and utility of the seasonal rhythms which flow within us and influence our lives. We integrate this with focused attention on rotating themes of the month to infuse and boost greater consciousness that fuels our minds and opens our hearts ….all in the spirit of manifesting what our hearts’ desire both personally and professionally. Classes incorporate brief guided mediation, lecture, discussion, exercises and periodic special guest speakers.

When:  Monthly 90 Minute Teleclass

Investment: $97 per month or $1080 for full payment for the year ($120 savings for the year)

Policies and Procedures:

  • When holidays conflict, classes will be moved to another day or week.
  • The group will have an on-line private Facebook forum throughout the year to exchange questions, ideas, resources and insight.
  • There will be suggested reading, resources and exercises corresponding to each class

If interested in more information, please contact: Marcy@DrMarcyCole.com