February 22, 2025

On-line Seasons Class

What: This is a 12 month Tele-class for women. The purpose is to boost awareness and utility of the seasonal rhythms which flow within us and influence our lives. We integrate this with focused attention on rotating themes of the month to infuse and boost greater consciousness that fuels our minds and opens our hearts ….all in the spirit of manifesting what our hearts’ desire both personally and professionally. Classes incorporate brief guided mediation, lecture, discussion, exercises and featured speakers.

When: One hour class. Schedule TBD

Investment: $50 a class auto pay or $540 for single yearly payment ($120 savings for the year)

Policies and Procedures:

  • When holidays conflict, classes will be moved to another day or week.
  • Classes are limited to a minimum of 10 and maximum of 30 women per season.
  • The group will have an on-line forum throughout the duration of the class to exchange questions, ideas, resources and insight.
  • There will be suggested reading, resources and exercises corresponding to each class

If interested in more information, please contact: info@DrMarcyCole.com