April 29, 2024

We Do Not Forget

During a session with a client today she expressed some concern, “I hope I don’t forget this lesson!” We’ve all wondered (and perhaps worried) about that before, but really need to give ourselves more credit then that. We are in the driver’s seat of our life. If we choose to retain what we’ve learned and […]

Where Does Your Pride Lie?

When my niece was 13 years old, I called her after a school play to ask her how it went. “It was great” she exclaimed…..”I was really proud of my performance!” When my sister got on the phone I told her how amazing I thought it was that my niece, at an age when young […]

5 Tips To Rekindle Your Vows And Rebirth Your Relationship

1): FROM MERGER TO INTEGRATION: MAKE ROOM FOR “I”: Your partner fell in love with YOU, not “we.” No offense to Jerry Maguire, but the goal is not for your partner to “complete” you. It’s about being connected AND separate. It is from this place that we connect with our inner source of love within, […]

Are You In Your Ego Or Your Spirit?

We can make one of two choices in walking through out day……We can live in our ego, or be guided by our spirit. Our ego reacts, while our spirit listens. Our ego interprets, while our spirit is open. Our ego personalizes, while our spirit remains objective and neutral. Our ego judges, while our spirit IS […]