February 23, 2025

Where Does Love Go?

I don’t know about you, but I love love. After a wonderful love affair in my 30’s, I ultimately had the courage to let go of someone I really loved. The hardest part for me, and the most baffling, was always……”Where does love go?”

During one of our “follow up calls” (you know those)……I shared my torment with him……and I will share with you his reply which I will never forget. He said, “It gets shelved.”

I listened and was stunned by the only answer that could have made sense to me in that moment. If you focused on it being too present it would be difficult to move on, but I never accepted that. I never accepted that just because you decide a love affair is not a forever one, that the love between you does not just disappear!

But yes….it get shelved…..somewhere in your psyche, in your heart and in memory…..for you to draw from it’s loveliest moments and greatest lessons learned.

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