February 23, 2025

Choosing Compassion Over Convenience

My friend came to me today to let me know that she could not take on a leadership position that she had volunteered for, and for which I was depending on her. I cannot deny that I was focused for a minute on how it would inconvenience me…..finding someone else to take over…making sure that […]


This month I took the first solo “All fun” vacation in years…..swimming with the dolphins in the Bahamas. I already wrote a blog post about what I learned from them. What I want to share with you in this post, is how essential and powerful it was to totally let go of all the day-to-day […]

What I Learned From The Dolphins

I decided to swim with the dolphins in the wild with a group called www.WildQuest.com. I knew I would enjoy it, and I did so much. What I really underestimated, though, was what i would actually learn from these extraordinary sensient beings: HUMILITY: I learned that the dolphin brain has been evolving for 5 million […]

Multi-Tasking Mismanages Your Business!

The law of attraction instills the idea that what we focus on expands. So the concept of what constitutes optimal productivity has seemed to come up everywhere lately. Just in time…since I have been feeling way more scattered, forgetful and overwhelmed with the “to do” list and multiple projects on which I am working. I […]

Brian Johnson Reviews “Money And The Law Of Attraction” By Esther Hicks

I am a huge fan of the information coming through Esther Hicks, of the the “Wisdom in Less Time” offerings of Brian Johnson (www.PhilosophersNotes.com), and of the nuggets in this book that keeps on giving and reminding.

View the video after the jump…

The Power Of Pause

I believe that 95% of conflict stems simply from miscommunication and misunderstanding. As a result, I don’t get my emotional feathers ruffled too often anymore. Rather, I have learned to PAUSE before responding when there is a problem, disappointment or conflict. Let me be clear, thought, that his “aha” in my own life took time. […]

Women In Connection

View the Women in Connection video after the jump…

5 Toxins To Know About!

Some of us in my women’s group took a class with a fellow First Tuesday member, Natural Health Practioner Cari Schaefer.

Learned SO much……here some important nuggets…

5 Minute Energy Routine

I really like Donna Eden’s 5 minute Energy Routine and want to share with all of you! View the video after the jump…

Never Give Up On A Child

Today was a dear friend’s birthday….Her son, David, who is going off to college soon wrote her a mother’s day card. This was her son by marriage. His biological mother died when he was only two years old. This boy was suffering when she met him at the age of 8. He had never fully […]